Bill Poston is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, philanthropist, educator, and adventurer.
All in Travel & Adventure
I am saddened to report that Dewey passed away yesterday after a brief bout with canine cancer. In Dewey’s twelve years as Thatch Caye’s island dog and ostensible mascot, he played the role of protector and friend. He was also our best guest relations manager.
The first star appeared well before sundown. A big, bright mama star with a toddler tight at her heels. Two stars and a washed out light blue sky that faded toward the horizon to almost white.
Canadian heli-skiing is for expert skiers – or those that have a natural deficiency of fear or sense…I survived six days of it with a group of five non-expert skiers aged 45 to 70.
My team is undefeated. These mountains are here to be conquered. We are in the backcountry of British Columbia accessing pristine slopes covered with a foot of fresh powder by helicopter.
Megan Creason is a Mavericks fan. I have come to accept this minor flaw and am convinced that continued therapy will exercise all things Dallas from her being.